Those of you who have been blogging longer than I have please be patient with me. I'm blogging our trip a little out of order.
This morning David figured out how to get photo's into my blogs. I love this man! He's really handy to have around.
Let's go back a week or two to Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving in Hannibal, MO. My brother lives in the country and always has Thanksgiving in his huge (heated) garage. Chad, Hannah and Cash traveled to Hannibal with my niece and her family from Auburn, Il. There were four adults, three children and a HUGE Golden Lab, in a mini van.
Cash is now ten months old. During their stay in Hannibal we were able to have a early Christmas with my parents. As most children, Cash enjoyed the wrapping paper and boxes more than the play telephone he got from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Oltman. It was really nice to be able to spend the holiday with our families.
We will pull out of the Memphis area Thursday Dec. 7th. I will catch up on my blogging once we get to Saucier, MS. Which will be on Dec. 10th. This is where we plan on spending the winter.