November 21, 2008
Dan, Jenny, Mason and Griffen Taylor stopped in Biloxi to visit us on their way to her parents lake house in Paris, Tenn. They wanted to see some Alligators so I called and made reservations to take a tour of a Bayou in Moss point, MS. We were hoping it was going to be on a airboat but it was a johnboat that seated 25. It was really a private tour because it was only the six of us and the guide
The day was very sunny and blustery. In fact it was just down right cold when we traveled along the shaded areas. As we rode along we searched the banks for Alligators sunning themselves. The guide said it was probably too cold for them to be out of the water. He did take us to areas where he had sited Alligators before. The boys were disappointed we didn't see any.
We did come upon several Wild Hogs. As soon as they heard us approach they scattered into the underbrush. If you look closely at the following photo you can see a couple of them. Especially the black and white one.
The guide told us that years ago there were a lot of Cajuns that had stills (an apparatus for distilling alcoholic drinks such as whiskey) hidden in the bayous. As we road along my imagination went into overdrive and I started thinking of how easy it would be to get lost out here. I conjured up images of Bootleggers (rum-runners) escaping the long arm of the law by navigating these water ways. Even thoughts of how many bodies might be buried out here.
He told us that there are still small communities of people that live in the bayous. Even today these backwoods people only come to town when absolutely necessary . He said it is not safe to travel to their communities as they are very territorial.
Enjoy the photos and let your imagination take you back to another time.