We will be moving to the "Majestic Oaks RV Park" in the heart of Biloxi. It is gorgeous.
As we were setting up I asked David to drive to the gulf. He wasn't very receptive to the idea. He really didn't feel like driving anymore ( seven minutes). So I just told him I'd drive my self down because I was going to see the Gulf. He conceded and we drove down and got our first view of the Gulf of Mexico. As I looked out over the massive water horizon, I couldn't help but be in Awe of Gods Creation. It is beautiful. It wasn't a real clear day but I couldn't see where the water ended and the sky began. We walked along the Pristine Sugar White Sandy Beach and still couldn't believe we were actually here.
We have taken the opportunity to drive up and down the coast at least every other day since we arrived. I can't seem to get enough of the view. We found these fishing boats in a cove.
Here are a few photos of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It wiped out almost every business and high rise condo along the shore line. One picture was taken from the truck as we were going over the new bridge. You can see the old bridge in the back ground. All that's left are the pilings. The photo's of the buildings are of High Rise Condo's. I especially like the photo of the Boat "S.S. Hurricane Camille" It is sitting just north of the highway by the coast.
Be watching for my blog on the Bellingrath Gardens.