Back in May I blogged about my dad's heart surgery and our stay in Hannibal, MO. Dad is doing great. He was released from his heart surgeon on June 5th. David and I were able to leave Hannibal on June 6th. YEAH!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong. We love our family but the long stay there was not on our agenda. We are still very thankful we were able to stay and help out after his stay in the hospital.

We traveled to Monticello, IN. on the 6th and stayed at Indiana Beach Campground. The name would have you believe there's a beach. NOT!!!! There is a huge amusement park just down the road from the campground. The beach is at the water park there.

One perk for staying at that campground was you received free passes to get into the park. We walked through the park just for something to do. We didn't participate in any of the rides. Just did some people watching, which is always fun.

Some of the photos of are a Dare Devil Ride. People were harnessed together and then rode a tether up to the top of a very high pole. Once they reached the top they were released to swing out over the lake. NO... way would I ever do something like that. But I bet some of my viewers are CRAAAAAZY enough to do it. I'm referring to the Schulte clan. They are the Dare Devil Type.

Catch you up another day and let you know where we went from there.