David and I attended a small Mardi Gras Parade in gulf Port a few days before I went to Brownsburg for Cash's birthday. I never saw so many beads in my life.
A man standing next rto me had a fish dip net and was catching the strands of beads with that.
The following pic's are of the actual Biloxi Mardi Gras Parade on Feb. 5th. David was invited to set in the Grandstands and view the parade with a couple that live across from us in the RV Park.
These people belong to the Mardi Gras Association. So it's suppose to be a big deal if you get invited to sit in the Grandstand. But of course because David did not know his way around downtown he couldn't find the Grandstands. I was very disappointed because he would have gotten all kinds of pic's from there. He would have seen all the entertainment and the King and Queen Crowning. There is always next year. :-)
Wow......it's sure a big thing down there, isn't it? The floats are pretty.......so many bright colors! And you....you have TONS of beads on! I hope you simply reached up to catch them and didn't "earn" them! LOL
Well, I did give one male parade participant a kiss.... on the cheek for a rose. He did a get down and boogie dance in front of me. David took a short video of it. If I knew how to get it on this blog I would. YOu would enjoy it. :-)
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